March 21, 2011

Five Free AdjunctWorld Job Listings

I'm really happy that you've decided to try AdjunctWorld and I look forward to helping you fill your open Adjunct positions.  You can either follow the easy steps below to get set up yourself (in minutes), or if you'd prefer, email me and we'll take care of everything for you.

Here's an overview of what's next, and how long each step will take:
- Register for AdjunctWorld (step #1 below -- less than 5 minutes)
- Enter your coupon for 5 free job listings (steps #2, #3 & #4 -- less than 5 minutes)
- Start entering your jobs (step #5 -- as little as 10-15 minutes per job)

Follow the steps above today.  This offer and the coupon expire on April 30, 2011.  And please don't hesitate to contact us if we can help in any way.

Thanks for trying AdjunctWorld.  I look forward to having you as part of our community.

Matt Cobb
Founder, AdjunctWorld

Getting Started with AdjunctWorld

1)  Open the AdjunctWorld site and register your school as an AdjunctWorld member following these easy steps

2)  Sign in to your account in the AdjunctWorld top menu bar

3)  Choose Purchase Products from 'Account' in the top menu bar, or from the 'Employer dashboard'

4)  Enter 'FiveFree' into the 'Purchase using coupon' box (note: the coupon code is case sensitive)

Next you'll see this message indicating success.  At this point you are set up to post unlimited jobs through the end of March.  No further purchases are necessary until the coupon expires.

5) Now you're all set up to start entering your five free job listings, following these steps.

(return to the Help Table of Contents)

January 25, 2011

Creating Sub Accounts

Schools with multiple divisions or departments, that each post their own job listings, may want to set up multiple accounts that are linked to one parent account.  With this setup each division or department can have their own description, logo, discipline, separate log-in access for one primary contact person, and can post their own jobs.  Here are the steps to set up one or more sub accounts.

1)  First the parent or master account must have been created.  The administrator of that account must set up the sub account(s) by first logging in to AdjunctWorld:

2)  Choose 'Sub accounts' from the 'Account' menu or in the 'Account Manager' section of the Employer Dashboard.

3)  Click the 'Add' button to create the first, or subsequent, sub accounts:

4)  Enter the details for the sub account (the school division or department).

Please note:
  • The school name can be the same as on the master account if this is a division or department of that school
  • The administrator for this account is probably different than for the master account.  She should add name, title, email address and password.  This is the email & password for logging back into this sub-account.
  • If the sub account administrator is authorized to edit this sub account information, check the 'Sub Account Management' checkbox at the bottom of the screen.  If editing is limited to the master account administrator, leave the check box unchecked.

November 11, 2010

Posting Multiple Jobs

Here are the steps to quickly post multiple, similar job listings.  This assumes that you already have posted one or more jobs on AdjunctWorld.  If not, here are instructions for posting your first job.

1)  You must first sign in to your account in the top menu bar (or Register if you haven't already done so).  You must have pre-purchased at least one job listing or have entered an 'Intro Offer' coupon if you are a Learning House partner.

2)  From 'Job postings' in the top menu bar (or the 'Jobs Manager' link on the Employer Dashboard page), choose 'Jobs Manager'

3)  Next, tick the box next to the job you want to use as your starting point for the new job listing.  It should be the job listing that is most similar to the job listing that you want to create.

4)  Click on the Job Title link for new 'Draft' copy that has been created.  The job creation/editing screen will appear, filled in with all the information from the original job you copied.  Give this new job listing a new name and then edit the sections that need to change for your new job listing.  When you're done editing click the 'Publish' button as the bottom of the entry screen.

5)  That's it.  You're done.

  • Enclosing a file to supplement the job description
  • Redirect the applicant to your website, or have the application emailed to you
  • Advanced Job Description editing
  • Setting up automatic candidate screening questions

(return to the Help Table of Contents)

October 21, 2010

Getting started: Adjuncts

Getting started with AdjunctWorld is quick and easy.  You're just 3 steps and a few minutes from a more efficient and effective job search:
  1. Registering as an AdjunctWorld member
  2. Setting up a job search email alert [TBD]
  3. Uploading resumes [TBD]

(click on each link above for detailed  instructions)

(return to the Help Table of Contents)

Adjunct Member Registration

All adjunct instructors must register to enjoy full access to AdjunctWorld's adjunct job search features.  Don't worry, registration is easy and will take just a couple of minutes.

1)  Click on the Job Seeker button (upper right) to get to the adjuct section of AdjunctWorld

2)  Click the Sign up link in the top menu bar

3)  Fill out the form.  Information with a * is required.  If you have a Facebook account, skip to step 4.

4)  If you have a Facebook account, registration is a snap. Just click 

check the 'Agree to terms' checkbox and you're done.  From now on you can log into AdjunctWorld with your Facebook credentials.

(return to the Help Table of Contents)

October 12, 2010

Changing Registration Details

Here's how to change the contact information for your primary contact, or the email and password used to log in to AdjunctWorld.

1)  Sign in to your account in the top menu bar

2)  Choose either 'Edit Registration Details' from the Account menu above or 'School Registration' from the middle of the Employer Dashboard page

3)  Make the desired changes on the Edit Profile page, then click the Save button.

October 7, 2010

Post a Job: Advanced

Here's help on some advanced topics to further enhance your job listing:
  1. Attaching a file to supplement the job description
  2. Redirect the applicant to your website, or have the application emailed to you
  3. Advanced Job Description editing
  4. Setting up automatic candidate screening questions

1)  Attaching a file.  Extra steps after Application is submitted.

Optionally attach a file to provide background on the school or the job.  This can or supplement the job description just below.  

2)  Do you want the applicant to be re-directed to your website, or for an email to be sent you you once the application has been submitted?  If so, click one of the radio buttons in the image just above.

3)  Advanced Job Descriptions editing [this still needs to be written]

4)  Automatic candidate screening.  This is a very powerful feature that will help you automatically filter out only those applicants that meet your pre-defined requirements for the job.  It also manages the initial communication with the candidates and with you.  [the details of this still need to be written]

(return to the Help Table of Contents)